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Duncan Family Nominated for YF&R Achievement Award

By Lacey Dodson, Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation

Robert and Rachel Duncan, along with their 9-month old daughter Wrigley, embody the spirit of a young farm family.
They farm soybeans, grow and sell their own hay and have around 200 head of cattle. Something that sets this family apart is the custom beef they recently started raising and selling. 

The young couple from Boyce, La. has been named one of three finalists that have been nominated for the Young Farmer and Rancher Achievement Award for their in dedication in the agriculture industry.

“We really enjoy the aspect of being able to sell to the neighbors and getting local meat to local people,”  Duncan said.

With the demand for this product steadily rising, it caused the Duncans to increase the number of custom cattle they were producing.

“I think there’s definitely growth,” he said.  “You know, the first year we did it, we fed three, the second year we we did it we fed 13.  So there’s definitely a demand, you know people want it.”

Not only does Rachel Duncan stay busy on the farm, but she also has her own photography business that keeps her busy, not to mention taking care of their daughter. Although she doesn’t work full time on the farm because of her photography business, she is always there to lend a helping hand when she’s needed. 

“He thinks that being home with the baby and running a photography business isn’t as enduring as his job on the farm, and he definitely likes to joke about it,” Rachel Duncan said with a laugh.  He appreciates everything I do though, and he always knows I’m a phone call away if he ever needs some help.” 

Robert Duncan knows just how helpful it is to have his wife there for him during the long days farming. Without having Rachel there, the farm would not function as smoothly. 

“Last week before it started raining we were working 16, 17, 18 hour days trying to get the ground ready,” he said. “She’d bring us lunch, she brought supper, snacks and everything else, I gave her grief about it but I literally could not do it without her.”

Although farming sometimes has stressful days the Duncans are hopeful that raising their daughter on the farm will have a lasting impact on their family. 

“Especially now to be raising a daughter in it, it’s to be able to see her go out with us,” Duncan said. “I hope her first word other than mama and daddy is “cow.” That’d be great. It’s nice to just be able to be with family.”

The 2019 winner of the Young Farmer and Rancher will be announced at the 97th Annual Louisiana Farm Bureau convention, held June 20 through the 23 at the New Orleans Marriott on Canal St.  For more information, visit 

Listen to the Adam and Megan Caughern’s story on the Louisiana Farm Life Podcast

Monica Velasquez